Athletics Forms
The three forms listed below must be completed BEFORE any student can participate in try-outs, practices, or competitions for any extra-curricular athletics or sports team. Please follow the directions to ensure that forms are completed properly and submitted on time.
Medical Form This form must be completed by your doctor.
Parental Consent Form This form must be completed by your parent or guardian.
PE Credit for PSAL Participation Form (updated 7.2022) Prior to the beginning of each team's season, the PE Credit Form must be completed and submitted to Ms. Stasavage (via email mstasavage@millenniumhs.org and submitted to her mailbox in the Main Office). If the required hours of participation are fulfilled, PE credit is awarded the following school year. All information on the form needs to be filled out in advance in order for it to be processed in a timely manner (must include a signature from both the student and a school guidance counselor).
Credit eligibility will also be determined at the end of the season after the coaches submit records of student participation.